Different types of high-quality natural hair
There are various types of extensions available in the market, with different types, hair quality, and characteristics. First, take a look at the quality grade of the hair, as this often gives you an indication of what to expect from the hair you are buying.
Quality Grade:
The quality grade is the same worldwide and ranks hair from D to A, from worst to best. Within the top grade (A), there have recently been four new classifications from AA to AAAAA. This quality grade indicates, among other things, how the hair has been produced and how well it has been cared for during production. We recommend that you choose hair with a quality grade of AAA or better. Luxushair exclusively sells Virgin hair in grade AAAAA, which means that you can have the hair for up to a year with proper care.
Virgin Hair Quality:
In addition to the quality grade mentioned above, we strongly recommend that you choose Hair Extensions with Virgin hair. This term is used for Extensions that have unique cuticles – meaning that the cuticles closely resemble natural hair and can withstand treatment almost like your own hair. Virgin hair has better quality that will last longer than Extensions without this quality. Extensions without Virgin hair are often produced with lower quality and are more prone to tangling and less resistant to treatment. We recommend that you always choose Virgin hair, which LuxusHair exclusively sells in its Hair Extensions range.